case study
Centre of Technologies of Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan
USI were involved in all aspects of mobilising the laboratories including laboratory design, equipment selection, procurement, logistics including installation commissioning and training.
This is typical of the USI approach and the following pages show and demonstrate examples of project from the USI portfolio.
Central laboratory
Laboratory of medicine production technologies
Laboratory of the environmental protection technologies
Nanotechnology laboratory
Laboratory of GIS technologies
Laboratory of synthesis of new materials technologies
Laboratory of nanotechnologies
Laboratory of information and communication technologies
Laboratory of energy production and energy saving technologies
Laboratory of food processing technologies
Financial and economic department
Human Resources
Department of introducing of technology into production
Department of design
Maintenance department
Patent information and special department
Department of International relations
Office of postgraduate studies
The Central laboratory functions as the unit that is able for conducting profound research and solutions of complex theoretical problems of production required by diverse organizations and enterprises of the country. The state-of-art equipment of the laboratory enables to conduct nano, bio, physical, chemical, and microscopic research.
The Nanotechnology laboratory focuses on synthesis of nanoparticles and nano-layers, synthesis of new materials with different properties, research and development of new photovoltaic materials.
The laboratory of the biotechnologies studies scientific researches such as reproducing of some medicinal plants by biotechnological method, studies of their pests and fungous diseases, development of biological methods against them, as well as carried out physiological and immunological studies of extracts and pomace these medicinal plants in laboratory and domestic animals in order to study methods of preparation of these herbal remedies.
The laboratory of Information and communication technologies focuses on integration of networks, modelling and analysis of mathematical models, theoretical foundation of information and information technologies, gathering information, storing information, searching, querying, and processing, altering and securing data.
The Material synthesis technologies laboratory uses advanced scientific and innovative methods to identify physical and chemical properties of various natural resources of Turkmenistan, synthesis of competitive products and develop manufacturing technologies of those products and using them in areas such as construction, manufacturing, textile and material usable for daily life and products for agricultural industry.
The Environmental technologies laboratory researches the new technological methods that will clean and extract harmful materials from land, water and air and conduct a research of natural and quaternary period effects on ecology.
The laboratory of medicine production technologies with using innovation technologies, carrying out scientific research in the sphere of getting different medical products, with collecting bioactive material from local substance, medical plants, and minerals.
The laboratory of food processing technologies deals with the study of quality of food, energy value of food, technologies of food reservation, technologies of food processing, ecological safety, and quality of local food.
The Geographical Information Systems Laboratory conducting theoretical and practical research on the development and implementation of various techniques for creating thematic digital maps using GIS related technology for the national economic areas.
The laboratory of energy production and energy saving technologies focuses on generating energy from different energy resources, creating new technology of usage and consumption of energy, solving problems related to effectively consuming energy, research, and development of alternative sources of energy and their implementation.
case study
World’s Largest Gas to Gasoline Plant
The G2L plant is another USI project where the Q/A laboratories were sourced and commissioned by USI.
The Gas to Gasoline Plant (GTG) Plant developed by Rönesans in Ahal, a region in fifty kilometres distance to the Turkmen capital Ashgabat, will be the largest of its kind in the world.
The project has USD 1.5 billion investment value, under construction by Japanese Kawasaki Heavy Industries since 2014, expected to be commissioned in 2018.
The plant will have a daily gasoline production capacity of 1800 tons, followed by an annual average of 600.000 tons of gasoline and 100.000 tons of LNG (liquefied natural gas).
case study
Located on the Turkmenbashi Shayoly (Avenue), The medical faculty consists of two separate education blocks, one for physiology and the other for biology, as well as additional service buildings. USI has successfully provided a turnkey supply of all the medical and educational equipment, commissioning, training, installations. The medical faculty has been inaugurated by President of Turkmenistan.
The first step towards understanding the full implications of a project is to have a project kick-off meeting (PKM). In this meeting the following would be discussed: project location, budget, timelines and type of solutions required, type of project, health, energy, education, agriculture, industrial scope of work, logistic planning and training, sustainability and maintenance.
USI INTERNATIONAL INC. is a part of USI Group which was incorporated in 1967, and began to participate government tenders shortly thereafter, representing the most qualified medical equipment and military supplies manufactured by leading companies in the world.
USI INTERNATIONAL INC. UK’s head office is in London UK and it has branch offices in Barcelona Spain and Istanbul Turkey, USI is also represented in more than 20 countries through agents.
Customer-focused approach has favoured the position of the company. USI INTERNATIONAL INC. UK is able to arrange financing packages for large projects. With financing institutions (U.S. Eximbank, export development corp. of Canada), USI INTERNATIONAL INC realized major projects internationally.
Power distribution, generation and training.

Turnkey Plus
Setting up and furnishing hospitals,
focusing on medical equipment.
Our services include consultancy from the very first step of planning and financing, through purchasing, installing, putting into service, and handing over, including staff training and maintenance as well – also available as an all-in-one solution project management option.
Success depends on how reliable, innovative and quality-conscious a company is and how quickly it reacts to challenges. With our team of highly qualified staff, we will find the best solution for your individual requirements and will realize it professionally and reliably.
Information technology is a critically important feature of almost every project and USI has vast experience in this area including training.
Project viability is confirmed by conceptual studies
Preliminary Studies
Putting first things first
Naturally, you want your hospital project or healthcare programme to achieve the best possible results. This is partly a question of good planning. But it’s also a question of basing your plans on the correct assumptions. This is where USI INTERNATIONAL INC expertise can be invaluable. consulting with you closely at all times, we can help you perform crucial studies at five interlinked levels:
Functional & Space Programmes:
Putting the right things in the right place
In the functional programme, you establish the nature and scope of the units you require – for example, cardiology units or maternity facilities. This is another area in which our specialised advice can prove to be invaluable. We can determine the operational definitions not only of individual units but also of the overall coherence of the units as a whole. This will generate vital criteria for architectural and engineering design work.
The next step is to formulate your space programme. Here, we outline all the areas to which an operational function has been assigned. We use workload projections and capacity calculations to determine how much space is required for each activity. This provides the architect and equipment planner with vital design information.
Healthcare Systems Planning:
Putting populations into the picture
To ensure that your new healthcare programme will be as effective as possible, USI INTERNATIONAL INC can evaluate the healthcare needs of the population you wish to serve, taking full account of all relevant healthcare problems.
Thanks to our research and development expertise, we can help you set your planning objectives by analysing these needs at whichever level you require, whether nationally or regionally. This will enable you to establish your overall, macro-level healthcare priorities, and define the means by which they can best be met.
Architectural & Engineering Design Brief:
Establishing the technical guidelines
By definition, your healthcare programme aims to provide patients and medical staff with appropriate facilities. Without clear guidelines, however, your architects and engineers won’t be able to provide them. This is another area in which USI INTERNATIONAL INC expertise can be essential. We can assist you in drawing up the guidelines on which all systems and facilities will be based.
Proper guidelines can also do much to determine the eventual investment budget.
Feasibility Studies:
Matching your ambitions to your means
Once you have established your specific healthcare system needs (see Healthcare Systems Planning), USI INTERNATIONAL INC can help you conduct detailed feasibility studies. With regard to patients and doctors, for example, or time from capital investment to break-even or profit. Or with regard to options for funding.
Each of our feasibility studies specifies the conditions that must be met if your project is to be successful. it provides clear, detailed guidelines for implementation.
Financial Plan:
Weighing the budget
It goes without saying that budgets are essential to healthcare programmes. USI INTERNATIONAL INC can provide various services in this respect. First, we can calculate the investment budget your project will need – for construction, equipment and project management, for example.
Next, we can establish your operational budget, summarising in a cash flow projection the revenues your project will generate and the expenses it will incur. Finally, we can also advise you on project finance and on the credit opportunities provided by national and international institutions.
Construction site showing the use of heavy equipment. Maintenance of the equipment often plays an important part in the overall solution.
The health care facilities design prepares the project for implementation
Healthcare Facility Design
Briefing for the best blueprints
Before your project can get off to a proper start, you will need to address a broad range of design issues. Here, too, USI INTERNATIONAL INC expertise is at your service.
if you don’t have the facilities in-house, our team of consultants will be happy to guide you through the different planning and design steps – no matter where no matter how complex.
As always with USI INTERNATIONAL INC., our services, advice and briefings are available item-by-item, or as a comprehensive package – whatever your specific needs dictate. Please feel free to consult us on any of the following services:
Medical Equipment Planning
Other people’s lives will depend on it
The selection of medical equipment has an impact on the design at four different levels: architectural, constructional, mechanical and electrical. this is why we give it specialist consideration in the earliest phases of a project.
We carry out detailed equipment scheduling on the basis of the medical functionality you require. This process generates a number of reports and drawings, including a room-to-room equipment schedule, a bill of quantities, an itemised budget table, a cross-reference list, a generic specification document, and architectural plan views with equipment symbols.
Preliminary Design
Sketching it out
In this design phase we translate the terms of the architectural and engineering brief into drawings that detail the physical layout of the relevant healthcare facility. This process is based on the functional and space programme, and covers the full range of design criteria – from patient and staff comfort, through medical equipment, to cleaning and maintenance.
Human Resource Planning
People for the long term
USI INTERNATIONAL INC examines every aspect of hr planning that will be relevant to your new healthcare facility. Starting at projected patient throughput, we consider financial resources and strategic development – never forgetting the less tangible aspects, such as management philosophy.
We deploy a range of techniques to assess labour supply, set up internal organisation structures, draw up staffing tables, compile skill & management inventories, and create replacement charts.
Neither do we overlook the external influences on your activities – demographic trends, government policy, labour mobility and educational levels in the national workforce. All in all, we can help you ensure that your strategic human resources plan is based on a proper assessment of supply and demand.
Constructional, Mechanical & Electrical Design
Your success is built on it
During the preliminary design process we devote full attention to specific constructional requirements, such as the optimal construction grid, floor strength, corridors and door openings, elevators, and lead screening.
The mechanical design incorporates all essential services such as water supply, drainage, ventilation, air-treatment and conditioning, and fire-fighting systems. The electrical design includes high and low voltage systems, emergency power supplies, lighting, telephone and paging systems. We offer a wide choice of services with regard to all these systems, ranging all the way from the design phase to operator training after installation has been completed.
Design Co-Ordination & Tender Evaluation
Making everything mesh
co-ordination is vital in any complex project – and yours is unlikely to be an exception! We can provide the assistance you need when coordinating your plans for architectural, building, mechanical and electrical work, and for properly integrating such work with your plans for medical equipment and other hospital technologies.
MRI. Sophisticated solutions including installation, commissioning and training are part of the USI holistic approach.
Implementation is dependent upon finance & project supervision
Financial Solutions
Finding the funding … and minding over it
Without the proper finance, your project can never get off the ground. and without project supervision, it’s unlikely to finish well – or on time. With our solutions for finance & financial control, USI INTERNATIONAL INC can help you with both.
Getting project finance is often a tedious business. Let us take the weight off your shoulders by advising you on the best range of options, or on the credit available through national or international institutions.
Your project should also be supported by a financial back-up plan. As work proceeds, we can arrange for expenditure supervision, and thus ensure that the financial plan is being properly adhered to.
Project Supervision
Watching it grow
Once work has got under way, project supervision is essential. To guarantee timely completion of each phase, USI INTERNATIONAL INC can arrange for the proper coordination of the various different contractors.
Our supervision also takes account of another vital aspect of such projects: ensuring that all work takes place in conformance with international and/or regional standards. care at this phase can save expensive modifications later!
A further aspect of supervision involves the correct positioning and marking of piping, cable ducts, lighting, and high and low voltage power supplies.
Finally, there are control and security systems, where installation requires particular care and expertise. This is another area in which our experienced supervision will be invaluable.
Equipping the health care facility through procurement and supply
Procurement & Supply
Comprehensive attention to details
By definition, a turnkey project is intended to give the customer a healthcare facility that is complete down to the last detail. As you would expect, USI INTERNATIONAL INC can help you source the complete range of equipment your own project will require.
Appliances, Furniture, Fixtures, and Consumables:
Timely supplies
Your project will also need a wide range of other equipment- for laboratories, pharmacies, kitchens and laundry equipment, to name just four. Whatever you need, USI INTERNATIONAL INC can make sure it is supplied direct.
We can also advise you on your choice of consumables (e.g. reagents and prosthetic materials), and simultaneously set up the structures for their scheduled deliveries.
Medical Equipment:
Efficiency in inventory
The selection and purchase of hospital equipment and supplies can be an extremely complex affair. That’s why there are advantages in asking USI INTERNATIONAL INC to deliver the complete inventory in a turnkey project.
such a “single supplier” agreement not only enables you to obtain all the equipment specified in the final design at competitive prices, it can also be extremely efficient.
Alternatively, we will be equally pleased to assist you in negotiating individual procurement agreements.
Communication Systems:
Keeping your information flowing
These days, operational efficiency depends more and more on automation. Just think of patient registration, diagnostic and treatment records, and interdepartmental data transfer – not to mention local area networks and patient invoicing! We have considerable experience in this field and are happy to put it at your disposal.
Hi-Tech Products:
Top equipment at the lowest prices
At USI INTERNATIONAL INC, we’ve built up a unique and extensive databank that gives us an unrivalled overview of the hospital equipment that is currently available worldwide. In other words, we can find you exactly the equipment you need. And the advantages don’t stop there: our price/quality analyses guarantee that you’ll get the best possible equipment at the best possible price.
Long-term operating satisfaction starts with logistics and installation
Logistics & Installation
Getting it there and setting it up – reliably
Before your equipment can be properly installed, it first has to arrive on time and when it gets there, it also has to function properly. USI INTERNATIONAL INC has the experience to make sure both these demands are met.
Right on the button!
Where necessary, we provide you with pre-installation drawings, so that buildings and/or utilities can be adapted before the equipment arrives.
With our installation specialists on site, we also ensure that all work meets our exacting standards and is finished in minimum time.
Getting it right – right on time
You want the right goods to arrive on site at the right time and in the right condition. So do we.
That’s why timing and quality control are vital. The first step is to ensure that all goods and equipment arrive at our warehouses well in time for shipping. once we’ve received them, we check them for completeness, quality and operation – and, vitally, for conformity to specification.
if necessary, we also re-pack and re-label them so related items can be forwarded together. The benefits of this are obvious when the goods arrive on site: installation can take place rapidly and efficiently on a room-by-room basis.
Site Delivery:
Right on site
However difficult the route, USI INTERNATIONAL INC uses reliable shipping to ensure equipment arrives undamaged – and right where it has to be installed. by using the logistics of just-in-time delivery, we see to it that you lose no time waiting and that the building site also remains free of unnecessary clutter. in short. We do everything to keep your project running on schedule.
The efficiency of hospital services is guaranteed by commissioning and training
Commissioning & Training
Coming on stream – and staying on course
Like healthcare providers worldwide, you intend your new facilities to give many years of efficient service. Elsewhere we have outlined the USI INTERNATIONAL INC services that can provide you with precisely the facilities you need. Here, we first show how we can help you round off construction and installation by bringing your equipment on stream. We then explain how our training services can lay the basis for optimal long-term performance.
Service And Maintenance Training
…and keep them running
Your need to train staff for service and maintenance duties will depend largely on the levels of service and maintenance they are expected to carry out. here, too, we can help you arrange training on-site, or in-depth service and maintenance courses at the manufacturers.
Commissioning New Equipment
The last step before your successful start
Once installation is complete, USI INTERNATIONAL INC can arrange for the functional testing of all equipment, and thereby ensure that it operates according to the manufacturers’ specifications. Responsibility for the equipment will be transferred to hospital management only when this testing is complete.
Operator Training
Run things properly…
The complexity of your equipment is likely to vary, together with the expertise of those who have to operate it.
That’s why your training needs will probably be different from department to department, and from one piece of equipment to another. Once again, USI INTERNATIONAL INC tailor-made approach can find you the appropriate solutions. Whether your medical staff need to be trained on-site or at the manufacturers’ training facility, in groups or one-to-one, we’ll make sure you get just what you require to keep everything and everyone running smoothly.
Smooth operation and maintenance is proof of a quality design
Facility Management
We offer complete facility management for projects in the health care sector, beginning with consultancy, planning, and execution of our services up to total operating management. Our integrated scale of services guarantees our client the optimum of rationing of his object over its whole life cycle, from construction until the end of its utilisation.
Our scale of services is built up modularly and covers all areas of technical, commercial and infrastructural facility management. it goes from the maintenance of building and equipment over caretaking of the medical technology, the waste management and energy management, cleaning of the building and outdoor facilities, security service up to the total technical building management.
Technical Facility Management
- Technical operational management
- Building, utility systems and equipment maintenance
- In charge of medical technical systems, equipment and surgical instruments and training of medical staff in accordance with the medical product regulations
- Planning, completion and operation of medical technical service centres
- Services as an accredited testing and surveillance department for medical technical systems, sterilizers and disinfecting equipment
- Project and authority management
- Energy management
- Safety engineering
Infrastructural Facility Management
- Environmental management
- Parking management/maintenance
- Waste management
- Vehicle department management
- Building cleaning
- Security service
- Supply (laundry, goods)
- Patient’s history administration
- Caretaker service
- Postal services (collection and delivery)
- Workplace evaluation
- Copy and printing services
- Catering
- Care of the outside area and winter services
Commercial Facility
- Consulting during the implementation and development of SAP r/3 business processes
- Material logistics
- Inventory and room data administration
- Clinic staff wage and salary accounting
- Contract management
- Area/space management
Operational Management
And Maintenance
Now the job’s finished, the work can start!
When all the building and installation work has finished, all the equipment has been properly commissioned, and your various training programmes have been set up, routine operation of your healthcare facility can finally begin – marking the end of an old process and the beginning of a new one.
We can continue to help – after all, we’re as proud of your new facility as you are! That’s why we’d be delighted to be involved in your long-term operation and maintenance. Let us help you keep things running smoothly and efficiently by providing.
Preventive & Corrective Maintenance
Better than cure!
Equipment breakdowns can severely aggravate the efficient running of a healthcare facility. if you want to keep downtimes to a minimum, thorough and rapid repair is a must. But this is possible only if the proper preventive and corrective programs have already been developed.
USI INTERNATIONAL INC can help you negotiate maintenance contracts with the equipment manufacturers or local third party companies. if desired, we can also set up a maintenance workshop, arrange for spare parts, and train the maintenance crew.
Specialist Services
Help outside the surgery – to help others inside it
Your new facility must become operational in accordance with every aspect of the original project concept and design. You may also need to meet specific manpower requirements that involves specialised training, or the recruitment of specialised staff. Here, too, we can find you exactly the solution you’re looking for.
Management And Education
USI INTERNATIONAL INC. UK develops medical
organizations; not just medical facilities
Once the ‘key is turned’, a modern medical organization calls • for not only state of the art facilities, but also for a wide range of skills and motivated staff.
During the development of a project, USI INTERNATIONAL INC consultants support organizational development. USI INTERNATIONAL INC. itself focuses on all aspects of facilities management skills and education but can call upon a vast network of long-standing partners to provide continuous medical education if necessary.
The main activity of USI INTERNATIONAL INC. UK is focused on 5 areas:
Healthcare Turnkey Plus
Setting up and furnishing hospitals, focussing on medical equipment
Vocational Training
Special System Integration Projects
Machine readable passport systems
Remote sensoring system for agricultural sector
Military Field
Unmanned aerial vehicles for border surveillance
Military Mobile Hospital
Energy Field
Energy transmission • Power plant
USI INTERNATIONAL INC. UK head office is in London UK and it has branch offices in Barcelona Spain and Istanbul Turkey, USI INTERNATIONAL INC. UK is also represented in more than 20 countries through agents.
Good relations with government officials and trade associations has favoured the position of the company. USI INTERNATIONAL INC. UK is able to arrange financing packages for large projects. With financing institutions (U.S. Eximbank, export development corp. of Canada), USI INTERNATIONAL INC. UK realised major projects internationally.
uk +44 20 7193 6379
italy +39 06 955 57 255
usa +1 310 928 6530
ukraine +380 63 777 74 74
turkey +90 312 418 4875
e-mail info@usi.international
Sehit Adem Yavuz Sk. 7/13
Kızılay, Ankara
Turkey, 06440
19th W 34th Street, Suite 1018
New York,
NY 10001 USA
03148, Kyiv, Svyatoshynskyi district, st. Kuchera Vasyla, bld. 3 Ukraine
Business Center
Dubai World Center
P.O. Box:390667, Dubai-UAE
Kizilcasar Mh. Incek Bulv. 1195/2 Sk.
Incek Ankara,
Turkey, 06830
Plot 396A, Bonaventure,
Off Linda Road, Makeni,
Lusaka, Zambia
KBC D-1 45 Akagi,Shitamachi,
Shinjuku-ku Tokyo,
162-0803 Japan
2 Chessingham Park,
Common Road,
York YO19 5SE UK
A. Niyazov 174,
TSTB,2244 Ashgabat,
Sehit Adem Yavuz Sk. 7/13
Kızılay, Ankara
Turkey, 06440
19th W 34th Street, Suite 1018
New York,
NY 10001 USA
Business Center
Dubai World Center
P.O. Box:390667, Dubai-UAE
Kizilcasar Mh. Incek Bulv. 1195/2 Sk.
Incek Ankara,
Turkey, 06830
Plot 396A, Bonaventure,
Off Linda Road, Makeni,
Lusaka, Zambia
KBC D-1 45 Akagi,Shitamachi,
Shinjuku-ku Tokyo,
162-0803 Japan
2 Chessingham Park,
Common Road,
York YO19 5SE UK
A. Niyazov 174,
TSTB,2244 Ashgabat,
turnkey references
As a result of more than 40 years of business activity in the medical field, USI INTERNATIONAL INC has built very close relationships with the largest international manufacturers and suppliers. However USI is an independent company and not committed to specific brands, therefore USI guarantees to give our clients objective advice, rather than supporting a particular manufacturer. We help the customer to find the optimum solution that has the highest possible quality at the best possible prices.
- 33 cancer diagnosis and treatment departments of several university hospitals of Turkey with combined eximbank and private financing of 100 m. dollars. (1982-1988)
- Ambulances to all of Ministry of Health of Turkey for several centers of Turkey with manufacturer tri-star ambulances. (1990-1992)
- World Bank technical training project (1987) Turkey installation of automotive measuring devices and agricultural machines to several centers (with akkermans ind. Engineering)
- Installation and training of surgical lights, surgical tables and sterilizers to the 250 ministry hospitals (1984) (u.s. eximbank financing) Turkey
- Medical diagnostic instruments to the ministry hospitals (1990) Turkey
- Ministry of Health – World Bank Fund (1994-1995) Turkey “First Health Project“ surgical lights and surgical tables for state hospitals in 38 provinces
- Ministry of National Education – World Bank Fund (1995) Turkey “Non-Formal Vocational Training Project“ metal working machines and general educational equipment
- Prime Ministry housing administration – World Bank Fund (1996) Turkey “Erzincan Earthquake Rehabilitation And Reconstruction Project“ wood working machines
- Ministry of Health – World Bank Fund (2000) Turkey “Second Health Project“ medical equipment for Toyotasa hospital
- Ministry of Health – World Bank fund (2001) Turkey “Marmara Earthquake Emergency Support Program” medical equipment for the hospitals at earthquake area with Akkermans
- Ministry of Health – World Bank fund (2001) Turkey “Marmara Earthquake Emergency Support Program” imaging equipment for the hospitals at earthquake area with Siemens
- Ministry of Health – World Bank fund (2002)Turkey “Second Health Project“ medical equipment for project hospitals in eastern parts
- Ministry of Health – local budget (2002) Turkey “imaging Equipment For 250 Bed Hospital Project For 3 Different Provinces With Philips”
- Turkish Republic, Ministry of Health – World Bank Fund (2003) “Primary Healthcare centers Project“ Turkey medical equipment for project hospitals in eastern parts
- Turkish Republic, Ministry of Health–World Bank Fund (2003) “Primary Healthcare centers Project“ Turkey
medical equipment for project hospitals at earthquake area - Turkmenistan-Dashoguz (2008) Ruhubelent Hospital sterilizing department
- Turkmenistan-Mary (2008)
total medical equipment - Turkmenistan-Dashoguz (2008)
total medical equipment - Turkmenistan-Balkanabat (2008)
total medical equipment - Turkmenistan-Turkmenabat (2008)
total medical equipment - Turkmenistan-Ashgabad (2009)
Medical Faculty total medical equipment - Turkmenistan-Ashgabat (2010)
Head and Neck Hospital complete consumables Project - Libya (2008)
vocational training projects including high voltage labs, welding labs, casting labs, vibration labs and petroleum labs for universities. - Libya (2010)
Supply Materials for EiJabal Algharbi University – Electrical and Electronic circuit Training Laboratory, Networks/cabling/computer Maintenance/Repair Labora- tory, Telecommunications Laboratory, Telecommunications Transmission Laboratory, Telephony Laboratory, Radar Laboratory, Electromechanical Laboratory, Electrical Power Laboratory. - Turkmenistan-Ashgabat (2010)
Head and Neck Hospital
complete consumables Project - Libya (2010) Supply Materials for EiJabal Algharbi University – Automatic control Laboratory, Hydraulics and Pneumatics Laboratory, Refrigeration and Air conditioning Laboratory, Automation Laboratory, Mechanical Systems/Pumps/ Vibration Laboratory, combustion Engine Laboratory, Power Plant Laboratory, Heat Transfer Laboratory, Fluid Mechanics & Turbo Machines Laboratory
- Saudi Arabia (1982) Mobile Hospital Project
- Iraq–Erbil Aqra 100 Beds General Hospital Project – (2006)
contract to supply medical equipment to general hospital of iraq Ministry of Health - Iraq-Erbil Energy Transmission Project – (2008)
200 km. Electrical Wire installation - Terra Project (2004)
European investment Bank - Second Health Project (2004)
World Bank, partner tri-star ind.ltd . - Eritrea (2004)
(Ministry of Health / State of Eritrea – Italian funding “Procurement Of Health Equip, Disposables And Surgical Materials”) - Yemen (2003)
(Projectcoordination Unit / Yemen – World Bank Fund “child Development Project”) - Gambia (2003)
(Department of State for Health) Gambia – World Bank Fund “Participatory Health Population and Nutrition Project” - Ministry of National Defence – (2006)
“30 Beds Mobile Hospital Project” (partner Nurol Holding)
Staff Experience
- Ashgabat, Turkmenistan,
260 Bed infections Disease Hospital (2009) - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Architectural conceptual and preliminary design, medical equipment planning, purchasing, construction, supervision and start up (2009) - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan,
105 Bed Dermatology and Venereal Disease Hospital Architectural conceptual and preliminary design, medical equipment planning, purchasing, construction, supervision and start up (2009) - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan,
60 Bed Pulmonary and Thorax Hospital.
Architectural conceptual and preliminary design, medical equipment planning, purchasing, construction, supervision and start up (2009) - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, central Research Laboratories complex
Architectural conceptual and preliminary design, medical equipment planning, purchasing, construction, supervision and start up (2008) - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
100000 Bag capacity central Blood bank complex Architectural conceptual and preliminary design, medical equipment planning, purchasing, construction, supervision and start up (2007) - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Aids Triage and Treatment center
Architectural conceptual and preliminary design, medical equipment planning, purchasing, construction, supervision and start up (2007) - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
200 Bed Oncology Hospital
Architectural conceptual and preliminary design, medical equipment planning, purchasing, construction, supervision and start up (2007) - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
1800 Student capacity Medical Faculty complex Architectural conceptual and preliminary design, medical equipment planning, purchasing, construction, supervision and start up (2006) - Sudan, Khartoum
Oncology Hospital extension.
Preliminary design and equipment planning
Architectural conceptual and preliminary design, medical equipment planning, purchasing, construction, supervision and start up (2005) - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan Maternity and childcare Hospital
Medical Equipment, planning, tendering and supervision (2004) - Uzbekistan, Tashkent cardiology Hospital,
Architectural conceptual design and Medical Equipment planning (2003) - Libya 7th of April Bingazi 500 Beds General Hospital 27.000 27 m2, Architectural conceptual Design and Medical Equipment
Planning and Supervision (2002) - Sudan Khartoum 300 Bed General Hospital 24.000 m2 Architectural Design and Medical Equipment Planning. Medical Equipment and Medical Furnishing investment control. (2002)
- Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 200 Bed General Hospital 13750 m2 Architectural conceptual and preliminary design and medical equipment consultant planning, construction supervision and start up. (2000-2001)
- Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Faculty of Medicine, 14500 m2. Architectural conceptual and preliminary design and medical and educational equipment Planning, costing. (2001)
- Ankara, 200 bed Military Hospital,
11500 m2, Architectural and medical equipment design and supervision. (2001) - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, University of Manas,
Faculty of Medicine and Training Hospital. 60.000 m2 (1999-2000) - Antalya, Akdeniz University hundred percent foreign credit financed Organ Transplantation center, 24.000. m2 Feasibility study, building and equipment. Planning, preparation of tender documents according to FiDic and consultancy and controlling of construction. (1996-1999)
- Kocaeli, University of Kocaeli, Faculty of Medicine 400 Beds Training Hospital, 45.000 m. Medical equipment planning, preparation of Tender Documents. (1998-1999)
- Istanbul, Dr. Siyami Ersek cardiology Hospital 28.000 m2 Medical equipment planning and architectural consultancy (1998)
- Petersburg, Russia. Oncology Hospital 32.000 m2. Medical equipment, planning and architectural consultancy (1997)
- Magnitorosk, Russia. 1400 Beds General Hospital 87.000 m2 Medical equipment planning and architectural consultancy. (1997)
- Ankara, Hacettepe University Oncology Hospital 42.000 m2 Feasibility Study, Architectural Programming, credit financing and preliminary architectural project (1996)
- Samsun, 19 Mayıs University Oncology Hospital 28.000 m2 Medical Equipment and investment Planning. (1995)
- Istanbul Marmara University Faculty of Medicine 800 beds Training Hospital 110.000 m2 Architectural programming, preliminary and working projects. (1991-1994)
- Ankara, Turkish Universities Science and Engineering Faculties Training and Laboratory Equipment Procurement Project for State Planning Organization together with British Embassy 64.000.000 Pounds. (1990)
- Ankara, The council of Higher Education and WORLD BANK Higher Technician Training Project (1st and 2nd phase) 120.000.000.-$ (1986-1992)
- Istanbul, cardiology Specialist Hospital for cerrahpa a, Faculty of Medicine, Architectural programming and equipment planning (1985)
- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
MAS office bid. construction (1982-1984) - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Royal Pavillion construction (1981 -1982)
- Golcuk, izmit 500 beds Naval Forces General Hospital renovation and rehabilitation project and equipment planning. (1980)
- Samsun, 19 Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine 1200 beds Training Hospital, 102.000 m2 Architectural programming and complete architectural works. (1979)
- Samsun, 19 Mayıs University Bio- medical campus Planning (1978)
- Eskisehir, Anadolu University Faculty of Medicine, 1000 beds Training Hospital, 98.000 m2 Architectural Programming and complete architectural works. (1977)
- Edirne, Trakya University Faculty of Medicine 800 beds training hospital 82.000 m2 Architectural programming and complete architectural work. (1975)
- Lefkosia, TRNc. Turkish General Hospital 22.000 m2. Architectural Programming, complete architectural Works and Building Supervision. (1971-1974)
Turkey- Several departments of the hospitals below (between 1970-1988)
- Etlik SSK Maternity Hospital – Ankara
- Ulus SSK Hospital – Ankara
- Hacettepe Hospital – Ankara
- Private Sevgi Hospital – Ankara
- bni Sina Hospital – Ankara
- Ankara Hospital
- Numune Hospital – Ankara
- Sanatoryum Hospital – Ankara
- Bayindir Hospital – Ankara
- cankaya Hospital – Ankara
- Guven Hospital – Ankara
- Baskent Hospital – Ankara
- Private cag Hospital – Ankara
- Sami Ulus children’s Hospital – Ankara
- Zekai Tahir Burak Hospital – Ankara
- DDY Hospital – Ankara
- Adiyaman State Hospital
- Adana State Hospital
- Adana SSK Maternity Hospital
- Afyon State Hospital
- Agri State Hospital
- Amasya State Hospital
- Antalya State Hospital
- Ardahan State Hospital
- Artvin State Hospital
- Aydin State Hospital
- Balikesir State Hospital
- Bartin State Hospital
- Batman State Hospital
- Bayburt State Hospital
- Bulancak State Hospital
- Bilecik State Hospital
- Bingol State Hospital
- Bitlis State Hospital
- Bolu State Hospital
- Burdur State Hospital
- Bursa State Hospital
- Canakkale State Hospital
- Cankiri State Hospital
- Denizli State Hospital
- Diyarbakir State Hospital
- Diyarbakir children’s Hospital
- Diyarbakir Pulmonary Diseases Hospital
- Bayburt State Hospital
- Bulancak State Hospital
- Bilecik State Hospital
- Bingol State Hospital
- Bitlis State Hospital
- Bolu State Hospital
- Burdur State Hospital
- Bursa State Hospital
- Canakkale State Hospital
- Cankiri State Hospital
- Denizli State Hospital
- Diyarbakir State Hospital
- Diyarbakir Children’s Hospital
- Diyarbakir Pulmonary Diseases Hospital
- Diyarbakir Maternity Hospital
- Ergani State Hospital – Diyarbakir
- Lice State Hospital – Diyarbakir
- Kulp Health Center – Diyarbakir
- Diyarbakir Children’s Hospital
- Diyarbakir Pulmonary Diseases Hospital
- Diyarbakir Maternity Hospital
- Ergani State Hospital – Diyarbakir
- Lice State Hospital – Diyarbakir
- Kulp Health Center – Diyarbakir
- Edirne Diyarbakir State Hospital
- Elazig State Hospital
- Erzincan State Hospital
- Erzurum SSK Maternity Hospital
- Erzurum State Hospital
- Eskisehir State Hospital
- Antep State Hospital
- Giresun State Hospital
- Gumushane State Hospital
- Hatay State Hospital
- Hakkari State Hospital
- Isparta State Hospital
- Isparta SSK Hospital
- Icel State Hospital
- Tarsus SSK Hospital- Icel
- Istanbul State Hospital
- Fatih Hospital –Istanbul
- Goztepe SSK Hospital – Istanbul
- Samatya SSK Hospital – Istanbul
- Kartal SSK Hospital- IstanbulBakirkoy SSK Maternity Hospital – Istanbul
- Sureyya Pasa SSK Hospital- Istanbul
- Goztepe SSK Maternity Hospital – Istanbul
- Izmir State Hospital
- Tepecik SSK Maternity Hospital – Izmir
- Maras State Hospital
- Kastamonu State Hospital
- Kayseri State Hospital
- Kirikkale State Hospital
- Kirsehir State Hospital
- Kocaeli State Hospital
- Kocaeli SSK Hospital
- Konya State Hospital
- Konya SSK Hospital
- Kutahya State Hospital
- Malatya State Hospital
- Manisa State Hospital
- Soma SSK Hospital – Manisa
- Turgutlu SSK Hospital – Manisa
- Salihli SSK Hospital – Manisa
- Mardin State Hospital
- Midyat State Hospital – Mardin
- Kiziltepe State Hospital – Mardin
- Derik State Hospital – Mardin
- Mersin SSK Hospital
- Mugla State Hospital
- Fethiye State Hospital – Mugla
- Yatagan State Hospital – Mugla
- Marmaris State Hospital – Mugla
- Bodrum State Hospital – Mugla
- Nigde State Hospital
- Ordu State Hospital
- Rize State Hospital
- Sakarya State Hospital
- Samsun State Hospital
- Sinop State Hospital
- Sivas Numune Hospital
- Gurun State Hospital – Sivas
- Divrigi State Hospital – Sivas
- Zara State Hospital – Sivas 31
- Yildizeli Health Center – Sivas
- Kangal State Hospital – Sivas
- Sarkisla State Hospital – Sivas
- Tokat State Hospital
- Niksar State Hospital – Tokat
- Erbaa State Hospital – Tokat
- Turhal State Hospital – Tokat
- Trabzon State Hospital
- Cekerek State Hospital – Yozgat
- Yerkoy State Hospital- Yozgat
- Zonguldak State Hospital